If you see council-owned or council-managed land that is in need of a clean, please report it to us using our online form


Report a fly tip to us. If you see it happening, call the police on 999.


We will remove racist, offensive or abusive graffiti, and graffiti from our own property.

Roadkill (dead animals)

We'll remove dead animals from the road and Council-owned land.


See our maps of gritting routes and grit bins, and report an empty grit bin.

Gully cleaning

If a gully (road drain) is blocked, you can report it to us.

Leaf clearing

Report fallen leaves to us if they're a hazard.

Report long grass on verges, parks and open spaces

Report a park or verge that has grass which is significantly overgrown.

Dog fouling

Report dog fouling in the borough.


We will remove all unauthorised fly-postings as part of our street inspections.

Litter bins

Let us know if you see a litter bin that is full, overflowing or damaged.

Street cleaning

Report litter, weeds and dog fouling on council-maintained land.

Bins left on the public Highway

Bins left on the public Highway

Environment Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) Kingdom

Pay your FPN for fly-tipping, littering, or dog fouling where issued by a Kingdom uniformed Enforcement Officer.