A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Find out more information.
Find out what you can and can't put out with your waste and recycling
When and how to put your bins out
Find out when your bins will be collected
Please wait until after 6pm on your bin collection day to report a missed collection
Information on replacement containers for waste and recycling services.
Sign up, renew and manage your garden waste subscription
Have large or bulky items collected from your property.
A recycling and waste collection service for flats above shops.
Find out if you're eligible for assisted waste collections if you struggle to move your bins and there is no one else who can help
Waste provision planning.
Search for an item, from anti-freeze to wallpaper.
Find out what happens to your recycling and waste.
Find a recycling bank near you.
Book a visit to the Kimpton Park Way household reuse and recycling centre.
Disposable nappies take up to 500 years to decompose. The Sustainability Team pooled our collective knowledge to give you the low-down on reusable nappies.
Report dead animals, fly tipping, graffiti, leaf clearing, dog fouling, long grass and overflowing litter bins.
View our performance reports.
Day changes to recycling and waste services to specific properties from 31st March 2025.
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You can contact us if you need help with a service or want to make a complaint.