Find out about Suttons safeguarding policies and helpful information for professionals.

Our commitment to safeguarding 

Safeguarding adults means helping adults at risk who need support from community care services to keep their independence, remain safe and exercise choice in their life.

We undertake targeted work to safeguard at-risk adults and children. 

The people we support may be getting mental health and social care services, and could be at risk of abuse from someone they know or be a victim of crime. 

Reporting abuse 

Whatever the circumstances we encourage at-risk people to report the matter to someone in authority, such as their: 

  • carer
  • key worker
  • GP 
  • the Police

What happens next

Once a report has been made, our statutory obligations begin with a multi-agency assessment and case conference. This is to decide a course of action, which is then subject to regular reviews. 

As part of the Metropolitan Police's Standard Operating Procedure, at-risk adults are dealt with by specially trained officers.

Transforming social care

Safeguarding is a fundamental part of our commitment to transforming social care. We are working to promote safer recruitment practices for people in receipt of direct payments. More broadly ensuring through safeguarding practice that at-risk people are enabled to have as much choice and control over their lives as possible, to maximise their independence in a safe way.

Sutton safeguarding adults board (SSAB)

The Sutton safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) is a multi-agency partnership and was established to promote, inform and support multi-agency safeguarding adult work. 

The SSAB works within the framework of the law and statutory guidance to strategically assure itself that local safeguarding arrangements and partners act to help and protect adults in Sutton who have or may have care and support needs and who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse or neglect in line with the requirements made in the Care Act 2014.

SSAB members include:

  • Sutton Council Adult Social Care team, Commissioning team and Public Health team
  • Victim Support
  • London Fire Brigade
  • an elected member from the Adult Social Services and Health Committee (Sutton Council)
  • The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity
  • Sutton Housing Partnership
  • Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector 
  • Metropolitan Police 
  • Local Safeguarding Children's Board
  • Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals

You can visit the SSAB website for details of our policies and strategies.

If you need immediate support, you can find out about the adult safeguarding referral process.

Adult safeguarding guidance

Multi-agency Safeguarding Policy and Procedures can be found on the Social Care institute for excellence (SCIE) website.

Other adult safeguarding policies and guidance include: