During operational hours, visitors to households in a PPA will need to display a Resident’s Visitor Permit.

Households in Permit Parking Areas (PPAs) are entitled to 50 free hours of visitor parking vouchers per house per year. 

You need to apply online to get your book of free vouchers or to pay for more.

You’ll need to provide proof of residence, which must be:

  • a valid or current tenancy agreement, or
  • a Council Tax letter (must be current financial year), or
  • a utility bill (gas/electric/water) no more than 3 months old, or
  • if you are moving into the area, we will need confirmation of your new address (such as a solicitor's letter or a tenancy agreement)

Apply online

Apply for free visitor vouchers online

Apply for additional visitor vouchers online.

Provide your proof of residence by email to parking.permits@sutton.gov.uk. Make sure to include your last name and vehicle registration number in the email subject line.

Apply by post or in person

Download and fill in our visitor voucher application form, and post or take it in person to:

SABA Parking Services
50 Grove Road

You’ll need to provide a copy of your proof of residence with your application form.


The first 50 hours of visitor parking vouchers are free. 

After that, you can purchase an unlimited number of additional visitor vouchers. These come in books of 100 hours and cost £68 per book. They don’t have an expiry date.

How it works

  • every household in a PPA is entitled to 50 hours of free visitor parking vouchers
  • you don’t have to have a resident parking permit to apply for visitor parking vouchers
  • visitor vouchers are only valid in the PPA indicated on them
  • the voucher does not guarantee a parking space

How to use your visitor vouchers

  • use black ink to fill in the date and time of arrival
  • complete enough vouchers to add up to the required amount of time
  • for a full day’s parking, complete 10 consecutive one-hour vouchers
  • visitors displaying a visitor voucher may park in permit holder only bays at the time given on the voucher