Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Find out about benefits, allowances and help from the Council if you're an unpaid carer looking after a relative or loved one.
If you look after someone who couldn't manage without your help, you should ask for a carer's assessment.
If you're eligible for help, we'll make a care plan for you. This explains what support you need to carry on your role as a carer. It could include a personal budget in the form of a direct payment.
A carers personal budget is there to help you in your role as a carer. It is used to pay for things that are agreed in your support plan, such as:
It is not taxed and doesn't affect any benefits you receive.
You may be able to claim a discount on your Council Tax, or even be exempt from paying it altogether.
Learn more about Council Tax reduction
Learn more about discounts and exemptions for carers
If you regularly look after someone, you might be able to claim benefits such as:
You might be entitled to Carer's Allowance.
Check if you're eligible for Carer's Allowance on GOV.UK
Contact the Carer's Allowance Unit if you have questions or need help with forms
If you care for someone at least 20 hours a week, you could be entitled to Carer's Credit.
Carer Premium is an allowance you get on top of some benefits.
You can get it if you already get a benefit, such as Income Support or Housing Benefit.
Ask about it at your local Jobcentre Plus or Jobs and Benefits Office, or learn more about Carer Premium on the Carers UK website.
You might be able to claim Disability Living Allowance for children if you’re a parent carer of a disabled child.
Find out how to claim Disability Living Allowance for children on GOV.UK
Benefits calculators can give you a good idea of what state benefits you might be able to claim.
Find out what benefits you could get on GOV.UK
Check what help you could get with childcare costs on GOV.UK
Organisations in Sutton can give you free, impartial advice about benefits and financial help.
Get advice and support from Sutton Carers Centre
Get help on the phone, online or in person from Citizens Advice
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