Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
The Collingwood Estate Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is managed differently to Sutton’s other CPZs.
The Collingwood Estate CPZ:
You can download and complete the Collingwood Residents Permit application form.
To apply for a CPZ permit, we’ll need to see proof of residence and proof that you’re the registered keeper of the vehicle.
Proof of residence must be:
Proof you’re the registered keeper of the vehicle must be:
Return the form and evidence by post or in person to:
SABA customer office
50 Grove Road
Saba’s offices are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 2pm (closed Bank Holidays).
We will need written confirmation that you have sole use of the vehicle at your address.
This needs to:
You can make payments by card, cash, cheque or postal order at the SABA office.
We’ll send you a letter to remind you to renew at least 4 weeks before your permit is due to expire.
You should make sure you renew at least 2 weeks before expiry of your existing permit.
If you’re not registered on the electoral register, you’ll also need to provide proof that you still live at your Collingwood Estate address.
Only vehicles displaying a valid permit are permitted to park in the bays during the hours of enforcement. A Civil Enforcement Officer may issue a penalty charge notice (parking ticket) if an expired permit is on display.
You can renew your resident permit online.
You’ll need:
Download and complete the Collingwood resident permit renewal form.
Return the form and evidence by post or in person to:
SABA customer office
50 Grove Road
If you are a resident of the Collingwood Estate, you can apply for a maximum of 2 visitor permits a year.
It costs £1 per permit.
You can apply online for a Collingwood Estate visitor permit.
You’ll need to provide proof of residence, which must be:
You can also download the visitor permit application form and return it to us.
You can renew your visitor permit online or download the visitor permit renewal form and return it to us.
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