Find out how to report neglect or abuse for yourself or another adult.

WarningIf you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999

Report a concern online

You can use this form to:

  • report abuse or neglect
  • raise a concern about an adult at risk of being abused or neglected

You can raise a concern about yourself or someone else.

If you're a professional  

Report a concern online (professional)

If you're a member of the public  

Report a concern online (public)

Report a concern by phone

You can call us on 020 8770 6770.

Our contact centre is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Outside working hours you can call us on 020 8770 5000.

If your concern is about someone under the age of 18, you can report a concern about a child.

When to make a report 

If you suspect someone is being mistreated, you should report this to us.

Abuse and neglect can be a single or repeated act. It could come from anyone, such as family, friends, carers or other professionals. There are many forms of abuse, such as:

  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • emotional or psychological abuse
  • controlling behaviour
  • financial abuse 
  • neglect or acts of omission
  • discrimination
  • organisational abuse
  • self-neglect

Find out about the different types of abuse and neglect from the NHS

What you’ll need to tell us

You’ll need to give us information about the person you're worried about. This is so we can make sure they are safe. 

You should tell us:

  • their name 
  • why you're worried about them
  • their address
  • their date of birth
  • any other information that could help us identify them
  • details of the person you think is mistreating them

If you don’t have all this information, you can still report your concerns to us.

If you want to remain anonymous, you don’t need to give us your name or contact information.

After you’ve reported a concern

A social worker, nurse or someone the person trusts will talk to the adult you're concerned about. They'll decide what should be done to keep them safe and properly cared for.

Depending on the situation, we might need to involve other healthcare professionals, a GP or the police. This process could take a few days or weeks.

If you give us your contact details, we might contact you for more information if we need it. You might not hear anything from us, but this doesn’t mean we're not doing anything.

Learn more about how we handle concerns about an adult

Get advice and support

There are charities and support organisations you can speak to if you're worried about someone.

Domestic abuse

Find domestic abuse services in the Sutton area

Search national domestic abuse helplines

Abuse of older people

Get advice and support about elder abuse from Hourglass

Report a hate crime

If you believe a hate crime has been committed, report it to the police. A hate crime is motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone's:

  • race
  • religion
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender identity

Report a hate crime on