Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
We have a duty to look into any concerns or allegations about a child or young person.
If we find that the child or young person may need protection, a social worker will be allocated to make a further assessment.
The parents and the child or young person will be seen by the social worker and interviewed. Depending upon the situation, this could include the police.
The social worker will then seek consent to speak to other professionals, such as the childs:
All of this information and the social workers comments are recorded in their assessment.
A copy of the assessment report is shared with the parents.
To assess the child's needs, we meet with the parent and child to conduct interviews.
We need the parents permission to speak to the child alone. They can refuse but they’ll need to provide a reason.
We may then take legal advice to decide how to proceed.
We speak to the parents to give them a chance to tell us what they’re going to do about the concerns. We can then discuss what happens next.
We can provide interpreters for anyone who doesn’t speak English as their first language.
If there are safeguarding concerns, then the Children's First Contact Service (CFCS) refers this matter to the Referral and Assessment Service (RAS).
The RAS will then ensure that the child is safeguarded against any current or future significant harm.
The manager in the RAS team follows procedures under the Children Act 1989 and arranges a strategy discussion or meeting to share concerns with partner agencies. Together they make an action plan to deal with the concerns in a timely manner.
These partner agencies could be:
This meeting could lead to different outcomes including:
The allocated social worker will:
As part of the assessment a doctor or paediatrician (specialist in child health) may examine the child, to:
Children can only be examined with parents permission, unless they need emergency treatment. If the parent doesn’t agree to this, social workers can get legal permission.
If the social workers think the concerns about the child are not true, or their injuries were accidental, things might not go any further.
If it looks like the child has suffered significant harm or neglect:
the enquiries will continue
the police may question anyone they suspect of harming the child
a child protection conference may be called
We can make further enquiries about other children and family members.
Sometimes we will arrange for other children in the family to be medically examined, to ensure they haven’t been harmed.
Social services and the police may decide together to interview the child on video, to help as evidence in any potential criminal proceedings.
Sometimes Children’s Health and Social Care have to get court authority to protect the child and their welfare. If this means taking the child away from the parents, other family members are allowed to help.
The child’s welfare comes first. All of our teams are working to ensure that children are protected against harm.
The parent has the right to:
We think it’s important for the child's protection that we all work together, but if the parents decide not to co-operate then the social workers may take them to court.
The child has the right to:
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