Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
This Local Flood Risk Management Strategy is a high-level strategic document outlining Sutton’s approach to Flood Risk throughout the next 6 years.
Sutton as the Lead of the Local Flood Authority is required by the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a Local Strategy for flood risk management.
The strategy explains how flood risk will be mitigated across Sutton, including a summary of the past and present flood risk. It also acknowledges the impacts of climate change and proposes measures to ensure that Sutton can be more resilient and sustainable in its flood risk management practices in the future.
View the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
We want to make our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy as effective and inclusive as possible.
For this reason, we are inviting you to provide feedback on our strategy. You can provide this by responding to our public consultation.
We are opening this public consultation up to everyone in our local community to participate, including primary stakeholders, local community groups, and individuals. This will ensure that the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy has considered a broad range of interests within the local community.
The public consultation is open for a period of four weeks, from the 19 December 2022 to the 16 January 2023. Members of the public can provide feedback on their direct local area concerns through reporting flooding to the council, or by contacting
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