Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Find out about the pension scheme for local government employees.

Who the pension scheme is for

All employees working in local government can access the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). Members will get a guaranteed pension income in retirement.

The scheme is separate from council annual accounts. It is not included in the council balance sheet.

Find out more about the scheme on the LGPS member website.

Manage your pension online

If you're already a member of the scheme, you can manage your pension online.

You can:

  • access your annual benefit statements
  • update your personal details
  • review your nominations, years of service, earnings, contributions and transfers (if applicable)
  • run a retirement estimate (if you are aged 55 or over)

View online pension

You can also register to become a member.

If you have benefits in both the Sutton Council and Kingston Council Pension Funds, then you will need to register twice (once for each Fund).

Useful information on pensions and funding

The McCloud judgement and your pension

The Government has recently made changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations. The changes are called the McCloud Remedy and are intended to remove the age discrimination found in the McCloud court case. 

Please see the member factsheet for a summary of the judgement and the changes the Government is making to the LGPS. 


If you are not happy with the way your pension has been dealt with (including the service you have received), please contact us on 020 8770 5290 to seek an informal resolution.

If you wish to go straight to the formal process or we are unable to resolve your informal complaint then you should follow the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure.

Email: skpensions@sutton.gov.uk