Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
London Borough of Sutton Council
Play Service Terms and Conditions – April 2024
Our booking period runs for a full academic year from September to August and includes term time and school holidays. View our long term booking terms and conditions.
1.1. All bookings must be completed on our Play Service booking website IPAL.
1.2. It is the parent's responsibility to update their IPAL registration information if there are any changes throughout the year and at the beginning of each academic year e.g. Change of address, allergies, named contacts etc.
1.3. Bookings relate only to the child registered on IPAL. Each sibling needs to be registered individually.
1.4. Each new academic year parents will need to renew their bookings. Bookings will not roll over from one academic year to the next.
1.5. The Play Service provides after school clubs for the following schools: Robin Hood Infants, Robin Hood Juniors, Beddington Infants and Holy Trinity Junior School
1.6. The Play Service provides holiday club provision from The Grange Play Centre and accepts children aged 4-11 from both inside and outside the London Borough of Sutton.
2.1. It is the parents responsibility to settle all their IPAL invoices. Parents will receive a reminder from IPAL on the 23rd of each month to settle their account. If your invoice has not been settled by the 1st of each month, IPAL will automatically put your account on stop. PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT TAKE DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS.
You can pay using the following methods:
❖ On-Line Banking - To pay Sutton Council please quote the following:
Please include as much information as possible as a payment reference e.g. PS (your surname) For Example: PS - Smith
Please allow at least 5 working days for these payments to reach Sutton Council.
Tax Free Childcare Scheme (TFC) - Both Sutton Out of School Club and The Grange are registered as 'The Grange Play Centre, SM6 7BT'. Please email us the payment reference and amount paid each time to ( so that we can allocate your payment. Please note
If you pay using TFC then we are not able to credit back your account.
Ofsted numbers for each setting:
❖ At Banks - Payments may be made at any branch of Lloyds Bank (where no fee is payable), or at any other bank, where a fee may be charged.
2.2. If you have an agreement with a second party to pay your childcare costs e.g. your employer, we require that payment is made immediately, and the other source must then refund you. The same terms and conditions apply for payment using childcare vouchers.
3.1. Emergency bookings are subject to the availability of spaces and at the discretion of Jenny Henry the Play Service Manager. Please call the admin team on 020 8770 4300 or email to check if there is a space for your child that day.
3.2. Emergency bookings can only be made on the day by calling the admin team on 020 8770 4300. The emergency booking session is £18. An invoice will be raised on your IPAL account.
3.3. An emergency booking is not valid until it has been confirmed by the admin team.
4.1. Children must be collected on time. There is no provision to care for children outside the stated opening/closing hours. Additional fees will be incurred for late collection, these will be charged and invoiced to your IPAL account. The cost is £5 per 15 minutes after 6.00pm (5.45pm for Robin Hood Juniors).
4.2. If collection is going to be by anyone other than the nominated person(s) on your IPAL registration form, the relevant setting lead & the admin team must be informed by email before the collection is made. This must be a responsible adult, over the age of 16 and proof of identification will be required.
4.3. All the after school clubs will be closed for all inset days & bank holidays. The Grange will also be closed for Polling days.
4.4. For the planned early closure dates e.g. the last day of term, children will be collected from school at the earlier time, but must be collected from the centre by 4.30pm prompt.
5.1. No cancellations or refunds can be made within two weeks of your booked session.
5.2. We are unable to refund booked sessions if your child is unable to attend due to sickness.
5.3. You must inform the Club leader or the administration team by email if your child does not require collection as this can cause a delay and confusion for both staff and children.
5.4. Individual After School Activities – the Play Service cannot undertake to return to school/other collection point mid-session. It is the parent's responsibility to make arrangements for their child to be brought to the after school clubs and to notify the Play Service if the reserved place is not required for the duration of the activity.
6.1. Sickness/Absence - Please notify the administration team or Club leader via email by 9am during holidays and before 3pm during term time if your child will not be attending due to sickness or any other reason. If your child has not been attending school as a result of sickness he/she should not be sent to the Club. It is recommended that Children should not attend the club unless they have been well for a period of 24 hours or 48 hours if they have had sickness and diarrhoea. Charges still apply for all absences.
6.2. If there are any changes in a child’s registration details, such as health issues, support needs, new contact information etc. Please update IPAL immediately, and make the Club Leader aware.
7.1. We reserve the right to permanently remove children or parents who consistently display unacceptable behavior at the Club. We have a zero tolerance policy against abuse of staff or customers.
8.1. If your child requires additional support in the setting parents must email the Play Service Manager Jenny Henry to discuss the child’s requirements.
9.1. Fee increases will be implemented in April to coincide with the new financial year.
Prices from April 2024 are as follows:
After School Club - £16.00 per session
Emergency Bookings - £18.00 per session
Holiday Club - £35.00 per session
10.1. Children have access to a fully equipped Inclusive Playspace which includes an Aerial Runway, Inground trampoline and many exciting and challenging pieces of equipment.
The Playspace is fully supervised when in use.
Should you have any concerns with your child accessing the equipment within the setting please speak with a member of the staffing team.
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