Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
The Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Forum was originally designated in 2012 and then redesignated again 5-years later in 2017. In 2019 the Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted following a successful referendum.
As a further 5-years has lapsed since the Group was last redesignated, the Council has received formal applications from the 'Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Planning Group’ for designation of a 'neighbourhood area' and a 'neighbourhood forum'.
The neighbourhood area application submitted shows the area in which the community intend to prepare a neighbourhood plan. In addition the neighbourhood forum application aims to demonstrate that the Group meets the conditions set out in the Localism Act for preparing a neighbourhood development plan.
In accordance with the Regulations, the council is now inviting comments on both these applications for public consultation between 15 September 2022 to 27 October 2022. Representations should consider whether the neighbourhood area and the neighbourhood forum are appropriate to be redesignated. Once a neighbourhood forum is designated no other organisation or body may be designated for the neighbourhood area until the designation expires or is withdrawn.
Application for Neighbourhood Area Designation
Application for Neighbourhood Forum Designation
If you would like to make a representation on the neighbourhood plan please send your representation to You can also write to Strategic Planning, LB Sutton, Civic Offices, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA.
If you would like to speak with the Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Forum, they can be contacted at
Please be aware that all representations received by will be made publicly available, although personal details will be removed. Details of the Council's privacy notice are available at the bottom of this page.
To make a Neighbourhood Plan, communities need to come together to create a forum which has to be consulted on and formally designated by the council.
The forum also has to identify the area which the plan will cover. This area has to be consulted on and designated by the council.
The Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Forum consulted on its draft Neighbourhood Plan for six weeks from Friday 10 September 2021 to Friday 22 October 2021
A neighbourhood plan is a community-produced document that sets out a vision for the future of Belmont and South Cheam and contains planning policies that would ultimately be used to determine planning applications locally. Any neighbourhood plan that a community prepares has to be consulted on twice, be subject to independent examination and, at the end of the process, a referendum. This consultation represents the first formal period of consultation on the neighbourhood plan.
A copy of the draft Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Plan is available to view on the Forum's website or alternatively on the Council website at the below link:
Draft Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Plan
Map of the Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Area
Other documents relating to the Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Forum, Area and Plan can be found below.
Belmont and South Cheam Neighbourhood Planning Documents
The council’s Housing, Economy and Business Committee agreed on 13 June 2017 that the Burton Estates South Cheam Area of Special Local Character: Character Appraisal, produced by the Forum, could be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications in the designated area.
The forum can be contacted at:
The Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' (or adopted) in January 2019 and should be used when determining future planning applications within the identified Neighbourhood Area.
A referendum was held on 29th November 2018. The referendum was held to decide the following question:
"Do you want the London Borough of Sutton to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hackbridge & Beddington Corner to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"
The results were as follows:
The number of votes cast in favour of YES was 626 (89.4%)
The number of votes cast in favour of NO was 74 (10.6%)
Total number of votes cast 700 – 0 rejects
The turnout was 14.81%.
The full declaration of results is available on the voting and election pages.
A Decision Statement has been produced which is also available to inspect at the Council Offices, 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, SM5 2JG.
Information relating to the referendum is available below:
Referendum Information Statement
Representations to the independent examiner
General information on neighbourhood planning
Basic conditions and compliance statement
The Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Plan includes policies on a range of matters including housing, the built environment, local economy, environment, energy, waste, water, movement and community infrastructure. If adopted, the plan will become part of Sutton’s statutory development plan and will be used alongside the council’s own planning documents and the Mayor’s London Plan in determining applications in the Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Area.
The forum can be contacted at:
The Beddington North Neighbourhood Forum (BNNF) is a formally designated Neighbourhood Planning Area and Forum. A map of the area, along with other supporting information, is available at the below link.
Beddington North Neighbourhood Planning Documents
The forum can be contacted at:
Any responses received by the Council to the consultation will be held electronically for the purposes of meeting the council’s duties arising from reporting consultations. Consultation responses will be made public but your personal data will not be made public. Consultation responses will be kept for two years.
If you wish to have your details removed from the planning policy consultation list at any time please contact By remaining on the consultation list you consent to the council holding your name, contact details and, where relevant, organisation name in order to be contacted solely for future consultations on planning policy and related matters. Your details are held electronically and will not be passed on to any third parties for marketing purposes. The council’s privacy policy.
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