Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Private fostering is an arrangement between a parent and a carer. This arrangement does not involve the Council and the child is not in care.
It’s not private fostering if the person is already an approved foster carer.
Private fostering could be:
Read our Private Fostering Statement of Purpose (PDF 172 KB)
Legally you need to tell us about any private fostering that is happening.
This should be as soon as arrangements are in place for the child to stay at least 28 consecutive days. Ideally you should tell us:
You’ll need to tell us when:
You can tell us by calling contact our Children’s First Contact Service on 020 8770 6001.
More information for children, professionals, parents and carers can be found on our Private Fostering Leaflets or by sending an email to the Childrens First Contact Service (CFCS).
When we are told about a private fostering arrangement, one of our social workers will:
A Private fostering assessment will be completed.
They will also offer advice and support to the carer if needed.
If we don’t think the arrangement is suitable we’ll take action to protect the child’s welfare.
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