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The role of Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) is to support and give advice to the local authority, schools, teachers, parents and carers on matters relating to collective worship and Religious Education (RE) in Sutton schools. This is for all Sutton schools except for voluntary aided or voluntary controlled schools.
You can find out more about SACRE in the SACRE Constitution July 2015.
Although RE is a statutory requirement for all schools, it isn’t part of the national curriculum. SACRE agrees the RE syllabus used in maintained Sutton schools and holds a conference to review the syllabus every five years.
The Sutton Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education for KS1/KS2 and KS3 were reviewed in 2015, 2017 and 2020. There is currently a review taking place in 2024/2025. Reviews are in-line with the Education Act, which now contains a new section on Assessment as guidance for schools.
Read the Sutton Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
In 2018 SACRE produced a guide for schools on Collective Worship.
WIRE Award (Widening Inclusivity in Religious Education)
The WIRE Award is an initiative run by Sutton SACRE to help schools develop and gain recognition for their RE provision.
For more information or to request other documents, you can contact Claire Ramalli by email
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