Sutton Market Position Statement

Find out more about our position on care and support for adults with eligible needs.

About our Market Position Statement

Sutton’s Market Position Statement gives our position for the care and support of:

  • older people
  • adults with physical disabilities, mental health needs or learning disabilities
  • young people preparing for adulthood

How the statement can help care and support providers

The Market Position Statement includes key information for current and future care and support providers to assist them with service development design including:

  • the current and future demographics and service provision
  • our commissioning intentions as a facilitator of care and support for individuals needing adult social care
  • future proofing wherever possible our local services for younger people preparing for adulthood (also referred to as transitions)
  • our vision on how the care and support market could respond to the changing needs of care and support in the future
  • the emerging picture of services within an integrated health and care system
  • the importance of quality and digital and technology enabled care within the delivery of care and support

It will help identify what the future demand for care and support will be and form a starting point for discussions between ourselves and those who provide care and support services, or wish to provide them in the future.

The initial focus is on our bed based care provision: care homes, supported living services and extra care housing scheme.

We plan to add to this to include the following sectors:

  • home care
  • day services
  • supported accommodation
  • community equipment
  • information, advice and guidance
  • respite care and short breaks
  • Shared Lives

Our Market Position Statement will be updated annually with key Sutton data and relevant information.

Read our Market Position Statement

Read Sutton's Market Position Statement

Find out how we're ensuring market sustainability

Read Sutton's Market Sustainability Plan

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Market Position Statement, email