Sutton Schools: 97% Secure Preferred Secondary School Place

03 Mar 2025

97% of children in Sutton have secured a preferred secondary school place this year, compared with a London average of 95%.

A total of 92% of Sutton pupils were offered a place at one of their top three preferences of secondary school, compared with a London average of 91%. 

72% received their first preference school, similar to the London average of 72%. This is according to figures released on National Secondary School Offer Day by the Pan London Admissions Board.

Councillor Marian James, Chair of the People Committee, said: “Additional capacity has been put into Sutton schools this year, totalling 80 additional places for September 2025 entry.

"As a result, every Sutton child has received an offer of a school place on 3 March.”

Parents and carers who applied online will receive an email in the evening of 3 March notifying them to log on to their account and check their outcome at

Those who did not apply online will either receive an email or a letter notifying them of their outcome.

Families who do not receive a first preference offer are provided with information on the maximum distance offer from each school, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and contact details for schools and the Council.