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The Targeted Early Help service provides support to families living in Sutton who have agreed to be referred for support.
You should refer someone for support when the level of need is at Tier 2 on the LSCP (Local Safeguarding Children Partnership) Threshold Guidance and requires a multi agency response.
The service will only support families that have agreed to being referred for support. You will need to make sure you have spoken to the family about your concerns before making a referral.
You will also need to identify at least 3 of the following areas of need (as set by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities):
To access this service you need to complete a CFCS (Children’s First Contact Service referral form. Let us know what you are worried about and how your level of concern meets Tier 2 in the LSCP Threshold Guidance.
If you need support with your referral or are not sure if it is appropriate for Targeted Early Help please contact us and ask to speak to an Early Help Coordinator.
020 8770 6001
An Early Help Coordinator will review the referral once it has been received by CFCS and then talk to you and the family about the information you have shared. If the level of need is Tier 2, and at least 3 of the criteria has been met, the case will be allocated to a Specialist Support Worker.
If the level of need does not meet Tier 2, or 3 of the criteria cannot be identified, the Early Help Coordinator will provide further advice on services that may be able to support.
When a Specialist Support Worker has been allocated they will visit the family, ideally at home, to meet everyone living in the household and explore expectations. An EHAT (Early help assessment tool) will be completed to fully understand the families journey, strengths and areas of support. The EHAT will be used to create a family plan to improve the areas identified in the referral and the assessment.
All members of the family will be invited to a TAF (Team Around the Family) meeting with all professionals able to support delivery of the plan. The Specialist Support Worker will coordinate the multi agency team around the family identified in the plan and make referrals to others services where appropriate.
Families are likely to remain open to the Targeted Early Help Service for up to 6 months and the plan will be reviewed at TAF meetings. When it is time to close with all outcomes improved the family will be given a Resilience Plan to celebrate what has been achieved as well as serving as a reminder to them about what they can do should similar needs start to arise again.
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