Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Naazina Sinclair’s parents were Shared Lives carers to Loudette and Chris for almost 10 years.
Shared Lives carers offer their homes and family life to provide a safe place for vulnerable adults to live, have a short break or take part in activities.
Naazina explains why she decided to take over the role as their Shared Lives carer when her parents moved away.
“Loudette and Chris are very near and dear to me and my family. They have been a part of our family for a long time. We do lots of activities together like cooking, going to the gym, days out at the zoo and aquarium, going to the cinema and bowling, we take long walks together and do things that perhaps they wouldn't be able to do if they were elsewhere. It’s given them the opportunity to be out there in the community and has made them really happy.
"I have been teaching my children little bits of sign language as Loudette is non speaking and hearing, so we have sessions where we sit down and communicate by sign language, just the basics but to make sure she feels included.
"If you have the space available, in your heart, as well as a physical room then I would tell anyone to consider Shared Lives. It’s about supporting those that are less able or require assistance, to have a better quality of life in a family environment. It's very very rewarding, it's hard to put into words.”
The scheme recruits and supports paid carers to work with adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs and older people.
Currently there are 27 vulnerable people in Sutton living with another family as part of the Shared Lives scheme.
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