Book an after-school or holiday club

Long-term booking
Our booking period runs for a full academic year from September to August and includes term time and school holidays. View our long term bookings terms and conditions. 2024-2025
Long-term booking - After school and holiday clubs 2024-2025
We are now using an online booking system called IPAL. Please register your child to book your after-school dates and holiday club dates
If your child needs any medication you’ll need to complete a separate disclaimer for the administration of medication. You can get this from the centre.
You can call us on 020 8770 4300 if you work shifts and need flexibility.
Holiday Bookings 2024-2025
We are now using an online booking system called IPAL. Please register your child to book your holiday club dates.
Waiting Lists
If you are trying to make a booking and there are no dates available, the system will allow you to join the waiting list. If you receive an email to say that a space has become available the place will not automatically be booked for you. You will need to log into IPAL and book that place. Please be aware that the space will be open to everyone and it will be on a first come first serve basis.
Contact us
For further enquiries about making a booking please contact the Sutton Play Service, administration team by:
- calling 020 8770 4300
- emailing the Play Services team
- writing to Playservice c/o Business Support Team, Sutton Civic Offices, 3rd Floor, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
Fees and how to pay
April -2024 to March 2025
- after-school club from April 2024 to March 2025: £16.00 per session (including a light healthy snack)
- holiday club from April 2024 to March 2025 - £35.00 per session (including two light healthy snacks) parents provide a packed lunch and water bottle.
- emergency on the day ONLY from April 2024 to March 2025 - £18.00
Childcare vouchers
You’ll need to check if your centre is registered with your voucher provider. You can call the administration team on 020 8770 4300.
Government Tax-Free Childcare scheme
Both Sutton Out of School Club and The Grange are registered as 'The Grange Play Centre, SM67BT'. You can send us an email with the payment reference and the amount paid each time so that we can allocate your payment. Please be aware that if you do pay via this method we will not be able to refund any payments made.
Child Payment Grants
If you receive a grant from your university, contact the administration team on 020 8770 4300.
Online banking
If you want to make a BACS payment using online banking, quote the following when paying Sutton Council:
- account name: London Borough of Sutton - Income A/C
- sort code: 30-80-12
- account Number: 13740960
- Please use Reference PS (for Play Service - surname)
Emergency Bookings
Parents who have long-term bookings are able to book emergency bookings.
Emergency sessions are £18.00
Emergency bookings can only be booked on the day (before 2.00pm) by calling:
- the Centre Manager on 07522 219747, or
- the Administration Team on 020 8770 4300
Paying your fees
Once you have made your booking and proceeded to payment, IPAL will send you a email to confirm your booking.
We’re unable to give refunds once bookings are made or for non-attendance.
Days are not transferable.
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