How to arrange extra help at home from a paid carer, if you're having difficulty with daily tasks.

How a paid carer can help

If you need it, a paid carer can regularly visit your home to support you with daily tasks. This can be long-term or just while you get your strength and confidence back after illness or injury. They can support you with:

  • household tasks such as shopping, cleaning, laundry and ironing
  • personal care and managing any problems with incontinence
  • preparing meals and taking medication
  • getting out and about 

Some carers may also be able to treat ongoing health problems by giving injections or changing dressings and bandages. 

How to get care in your home

Find paid care

The fastest way to get help from a paid carer is to arrange and pay for them yourself through a private care agency.

To find paid care you can search for home care services on the NHS website.

You can also check the latest inspection report on a homecare agency by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Care from the NHS

If you have long term complex health needs, you might qualify for free home care from the NHS. You'll need to ask your GP or social worker to arrange an assessment.

Find out more about NHS continuing healthcare

Short-term care (reablement)

Short term care care help you get your independence back after an illness, injury or life change. It's free and can last up to 6 weeks.

It's usually arranged through the NHS who will contact us on your behalf.

Learn more about short term care (reablement)


Care through the Council

You may be able to get a paid carer as part of a support plan from the council, also known as social care.

In order for us to arrange care for you, you need to meet strict eligibility criteria.

Most people pay for at least some of their care.

To find out if we can provide support, request a care needs assessment

Explore other support options

There is help available to make you feel safer and more independent without a paid carer, such as:

  • care technology
  • equipment and home adaptations
  • help with walking and mobility
  • Meals on Wheels

Explore support to live at home independently