Directory of local domestic abuse services
For any service in this list,
Phone: 020 8092 7569
Email: transformsutton@
These services are run by a range of organisations as part of the Transform partnership and can all be accessed through the above phone number and email address
Transform - Domestic Abuse services in the borough
Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop: Every Wednesday morning, 9:30am - 11:30am, Sutton Baptist Church, 21 Cheam Road, Sutton. SM1 1SN. Free drop-in advice service for domestic abuse victims at all risk levels. Female clients only.
Service for male victims and survivors of domestic abuse is now open - contact the dedicated telephone service on 020 8092 7569, and select Option 2.
You can also complete an online referral into support by visiting:
Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy (IDVA) service: Independent advisors who support people experiencing domestic abuse to safety plan, risk assess how people are feeling and get the help that they need.
Refuge space: Safe space to house women and their children who had fled domestic abuse. Advice can also be given to women wanting to leave the borough.
Freedom Programme: A twelve week group work programme which aims to educate women on how to spot the signs of an abuser so they can break the cycle of abuse.
Men & Masculinities Programme: A non-judgemental programme for male perpetrators of domestic abuse who are willing to recognise and change their abusive behaviours.
Young people’s prevention and recovery programmes: A portfolio of group programmes for young people who have witnessed domestic abuse, are at risk of or have been involved in abusive relationships.
Helping Hands (Peer befriending): Helping Hands volunteers provide befriending and practical support to women affected by domestic abuse and their families.
Support for families with children under 5: Home-based volunteer mentoring, practical and emotional support.
For any other service in this list,
Phone: 020 8092 7569
These services are run by a range of organisations as part of the Transform partnership and can all be accessed through the above phone number and email address
Not Alone in Sutton
A website full of useful information about domestic abuse, including what to do if someone is affected by domestic abuse
Website -
Sutton Housing Partnership
Housing management and repairs for properties owned by the London Borough of Sutton.
Phone: 020 8915 2000
Email your Housing Manager using this list:
Citizens Advice Bureau
Information and advice about welfare, benefits, debt and your rights as well as other issues.
Phone: 020 8405 3552
Age UK
An independent, local charity to support older people, their families and carers, including older people who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Phone: 020 8915 2233 or 0208 078 2916
Inspire Drug & Alcohol Service
Inspire is a community drug and alcohol service for anyone over the age of 18 living in the London Borough of Sutton. You can refer yourself or be referred by your GP, housing provider, probation and other professionals.
They also run a service for under 18’s called Switch Sutton.
Phone: 020 8773 9393