Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Discretionary relief can be granted if you are experiencing hardship and your business is considered to be particularly important to the local community.
You can email it your completed form back to us at, or post it to:
London Borough of Sutton NNDR Section
Civic Offices
St Nicholas Way
If you have any questions, call us on 020 8770 5000.
The award of discretionary reliefs is considered likely to amount to state aid. However, it will be state aid compliant where it is provided in accordance with the De Minimis Regulation EC 1407/2013. Regulations allow an undertaking to receive up to EUR 200,000 'de minimis' aid over a rolling three-year period.
If you are receiving, or have received, any 'de minimis' aid granted during the current or two previous financial years (from any source), you should inform the local authority immediately with details of the aid received.
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