Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
The Act states that all flood risk management authorities (RMAs) have a duty to co-operate with each other and to share data when necessary to better deliver flood risk management so as to benefit communities. RMAs typically include the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), highway authorities, water and sewerage companies, plus the Environment Agency.
Through the implementation of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and as the lead local flood authority (LLFA), Sutton Council is responsible for the coordination of the management of flood risk within its administrative boundary.
As the planning authority we review possible flood risk from any source when assessing planning applications. This is due to be strengthened further through the implementation of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act.
Thames Water Utilities Ltd. is the water and sewerage company across London which is responsible for the maintenance of the public sewer network which comprises surface water, foul and combined sewers and drains which serve more than one property. If any flooding is caused by an increase in the volume of water in the public sewers, Thames Water is responsible. Any drains that serve only one property remain private and Thames Water is also not responsible for highway gullies and drains which are the responsibilities of the relevant highways authority. Thames Water can be contacted online or by phone on 0845 920 0800
The Environment Agency is the responsible body for the strategic overview of flood and coastal erosion risk management that implements government policies through the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It also creates and manages long term plans for flood risk management, publishes flood warnings and is responsible for the collation and publishing the outputs of the 2009 Flood Risk Regulations. On an operational level it manages the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs and the sea through regular maintenance programmes and regulation processes. The Environment Agency can be contacted online or on its general enquiries phone number on 0370 850 6506 or via its 24 hour Floodline service on 0845 988 1188
Sutton Council is also a highways authority RMA responsible for the drainage of surface water and highway flooding on all non-Transport for London and Highways Agency roads, and also has responsibilities through our Emergency Planning department. You can also contact us via our Contact Centre on 020 8770 5000 which is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Another highways authority RMA is Transport for London which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of surface water drainage from the red route network of roads across London. TFL can be contacted online or by phone on 0343 222 3333.
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