Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
By 2027, Sutton will have more quality jobs and thriving local businesses. This will support our strong and fair economic growth. View our Corporate Plan PDF.
Work with our partners to provide a range of advice and support to residents and businesses impacted by the rising cost of living, to protect the most vulnerable and support Sutton's economy to recover in the longer term
Deliver a Careers Hub to support high-quality careers programmes for students; support unemployed and economically inactive Sutton residents into work; tackle skills gaps in priority sectors (for example, the 'green' sector), and help local businesses to access training and advice
Develop a Digital Inclusion Strategy to increase digital access, connectivity and skills. Increase digital access in Council libraries, and continue to offer free digital skills qualifications and access to devices (via Sutton College) to support learning and employability
Promote the Council as a great employer for local people
Work with partners and the local community to continue to regenerate Sutton Town Centre, including: delivering the Throwley Yard project (a cultural venue); delivering 'Oru Sutton' (a mixed use scheme providing affordable office space, exhibition space, hospitality, wellness suite and intergenerational growing space) in the former BHS building; increasing the wider cultural and education offer; and revitalising the northern end of the High Street
Develop and deliver a regeneration strategy for the St Nicholas Centre and Civic Complex
Develop and agree an improved layout for the Sutton Town Centre gyratory with stakeholders which includes sustainable transport improvements for cycling, walking and buses
Improve the street scene environment in Sutton Town Centre and continue to improve the 'public realm' in Sutton Town Centre and district centres through greening and sustainable transport improvements
Work with partners to maintain town and district centres as a safe place to be
Continue to work with our partners to deliver the ground-breaking London Cancer Hub in Belmont and develop sustainable transport solutions to improve accessibility to the London Cancer Hub for all
Work with Sutton United Football Club to ensure the economic benefits associated with an expanding club are felt locally
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