Young Carers Action Day 2025

07 Mar 2025

Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 who care for another individual with a long term physical or mental illness or disability. 

Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) is an annual event, led by Carers Trust, that raises awareness of the challenges faced by Young Carers and Young Adult Carers. It highlights the need for better support and recognition for young people who typically provide care for a family member or loved one. Each year, YCAD focuses on a different theme to address key issues affecting Young Carers. In 2025, the theme #GiveMeABreak emphasises the importance of giving Young Carers the time and opportunity to rest, recharge, and focus on their own wellbeing.

Ahead of the launch of Sutton’s new Carers Strategy in April, watch the video below as Marcel Croll-Medar, Young Carers Engagement and Support Worker at Sutton Carers Centre, discusses Young Carers and how you can play your part in supporting them.