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Neighbourhood Fund - 2024

The Neighbourhood Fund 2024 public consultation is now closed. The decision process is currently underway and the results of which projects will receive funding is expected to conclude in mid December.

If you would like to find out which project bids are successful, and haven't already, please use the email sign-up form to be kept up-to-date with projects and future consultations.

Neighbourhood Fund 2024 - List of projects (pdf)


Neighbourhood Fund - 2023

We are delighted to announce the successful projects that will be funded from the Neighbourhood Fund 2023.

Projects awarded funding:



Boroughwide tree planting

Planting 10 new street trees in each Local Committee Area (60 in total).

Inclusive play equipment at Fairlands Park

Replace broken roundabout with a self-propelled wheelchair accessible roundabout and additional bench seating.

Path at Rose Hill Park West

Resurfacing of existing north field path and addition of timber edgings.

Fountain at Manor Park

Repair and replace elements of the limestone and marble fountain base and fountain pumps

Boundary wall at Nonsuch Park

Repairs to the flint/brick boundary wall adjoining one of the main tributary routes into the park.

Play garden at Tweeddale

Create a new outdoor community play space for children aged 0-5.

Community garden at Hill House

Improvements to the community garden including an improved water harvesting system, tree planting and benches.

Parking at Oaks Park

Increase the number of disabled parking bays from 2 to 6.

Inclusive play equipment at Wrythe Rec

Add inclusive play equipment and picnic tables.

Inclusive play equipment at Stanley Park

Replace broken bicycle roundabout with an inclusive style roundabout.

Improvements at The Grove

Repaint the floor markings in the multi use games area (MUGA) and replace the welcome sign which has been vandalised.

Tree planting at Beddington Park

Planting 20 trees of a mixed variety within the park.

Sensory garden at The Grange

Creation of an all-weather outdoor sensory garden.

Thank you very much again for your support by putting forward projects, spreading the word, responding to consultations and providing feedback on recommendations.

We will move forward to releasing funds so that the projects can get underway. We are also looking ahead to next year: we will be inviting full project applications from next April, but in the meantime we are happy to talk with anyone who has a project in mind. Please feel free to get in touch or let others know about the Neighbourhood Fund.

If you have questions about the Neighbourhood Fund that are not answered on our overview page, or if you have a query about a project idea for next year, please feel free to contact our team via email at or via our enquiries form.

Get involved

If you would like to sign up for our email updates, news on existing projects and reminders about our consultations please enter your details on our email sign-up form.

If you would like to discuss a project with us prior to applying, or you just require some guidance or project support, please feel free to email us at

Neighbourhood Fund - Previous years

Over the previous years we have funded some excellent and exciting project ideas, we would like to thank everyone has been involved in helping us so far.

If you would like to see a full list of all of the approved projects from previous years please visit our Project Monitoring page. You can filter the Category to 'Neighbourhood Zone Allocations' for Neighbourhood Fund projects. We will also be updating the Project Monitoring page with photos and updates as each project progresses towards completion.

Other funding for public space improvements

If you have an idea for a small-scale project to improve your local area, you may be able to access funding via the Public Realm programme. 

Public Realm grants are typically for smaller projects which improve public spaces in Sutton (e.g. seating, trees and signs) in comparison to the Neighbourhood Fund which is for larger projects which help to address the extra demands that development (e.g. more housing) can place on local areas.

For more information about Public Realm, including guidance and details on when and how to apply, please view our webpage, and see the heading 'funding to improve public spaces section'.