Safer Sutton Partnership Service (SSPS)

The Council and the Metropolitan Police in Sutton work together to improve community safety in the borough. This is a unique partnership, where both Council and Police carry out:

  • regular research
  • engagement with residents and communities

This helps them out about local issues and concerns.

We also work with other organisations to address these concerns. This community safety work is co-ordinated by the Safer Sutton Partnership Service.

Sutton is one of the safest boroughs in London with one of the lowest levels of crime.

We aim to provide exceptional community safety services and to make Sutton the safest borough. We work with residents and partner organisations to ensure that our residents can enjoy the best quality of life.

Our priorities

Council, Police, health and other public agencies across the borough have agreed 27 important areas of work. These "priority indicators" aim to improve Sutton as a place to live, work and enjoy. The Safer Sutton Partnership Service has four main 'priority indicators'.

These are to:

  1. reduce serious violent crime
  2. reduce serious acquisitive crime
  3. where criminals 'acquire' items by committing burglary, theft, shoplifting etc)
  4. reduce repeat incidents of domestic violence
  5. address concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime

Our activities

The work of the Safer Sutton Partnership includes:

  • policing neighbourhoods and parks
  • reducing crime - and the fear of crime
  • tackling anti-social behaviour
  • addressing domestic violence
  • building relationships with licensed premises
  • helping improve town centre security
  • building the night time economy
  • organising crime prevention and diversion activities for young people
  • commissioning drugs and alcohol services
  • civil contingency planning for disasters and emergencies 

We aim to provide exceptional services within the field of community safety and tackling drugs or alcohol abuse.

SSPS Community Safety Strategy 2021-2024

Draft Serious Violence Duty Strategy 2024 to 2026

Contact us

You can contact our Safer Sutton Team on by: