Evidence you’ll need to supply for the financial assessment
Check what supporting documents we accept as evidence in the financial assessment (means test).
What we’ll ask to see
In the assessment, we’ll ask you to provide evidence of all income, savings and anything you pay out. This includes:
- savings
- investments
- property you own
- income, including benefits and pensions
- household expenses
- disability related expenses
You’ll only need to provide evidence for the things you mention.
Learn more about the financial assessment and what we’ll ask you
!WarningIf you do not supply supporting documents we'll charge you the full amount for your care
Evidence we accept
We accept photocopies or scans of the following documents as evidence.
Make sure you gather all the supporting documents you need before you start the assessment.
Bank accounts, savings, stocks and shares
- Bank or building society account, including recently closed ones: 2 months of bank statements if you’re going to receive care at home, 12 months if you’re moving into a care home
- Income bond with life assurance: bond confirmation letter
- Investment bond with life assurance: bond confirmation letter
- Individual savings accounts (ISA): latest statement
- National savings account: latest statement
- Other savings: latest statement or document
- Personal injury award: award letter
- Post Office savings: latest statement
- Premium Bonds: document stating the value
- Shares: certificate or shares document
- Cash: no evidence needed
Property you own and live in (main home)
We'll accept a mortgage statement or bank statement to show how much you pay on a mortgage.
You only need to provide information about your main residence if you’re moving into a care home.
Other property, land or assets you own
We accept title deeds or a solicitor's letter of completion.
Property, land or assets you’ve sold or transferred ownership of in the last 7 years
We'll accept proof of sale documents such as sale and transfer deeds.
- Annuity: letter or bank statement
- Other income, including rental income, maintenance payments, and spousal support: bank statements, rental agreements, or copy of agreements
- Salary or earnings: payslip
- Trust fund income: trust documentation
- Occupational pension: salary payslip or bank statement
- State retirement pension: bank statement
- War disablement pension: letter or bank statement
- War widow's pension: letter or bank statement
- Attendance Allowance: award letter or bank statement
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA), care component: award letter or bank statement
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA): award letter or bank statement
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP): award letter or bank statement
- Employment Support Allowance (ESA): decision letter from the DWP or a bank statement
- Income Support: award letter or bank statement
- Job Seeker's Allowance: award letter or bank statement
- Universal Credit: award letter with a breakdown
- Carer's Allowance: award letter or bank statement
- Incapacity Benefit: award letter or bank statement
- Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit: award letter or bank statement
- Severe Disablement Allowance: award letter or bank statement
- Pension Credit: award letter or bank statement
- Working Tax Credit: award letter or bank statement
- Child Tax Credit: award letter or bank statement
- Constant Attendance Allowance: award letter or bank statement
- Child Benefit: award letter or bank statement
- Housing Benefit: award letter or bank statement
Essential household expenses
- Council Tax: Council Tax bill
- Mortgage: bank statement or mortgage statement
- Rent: copy of rental agreement
- Ground rent: copy of rental agreement
- Service charge: annual statement
- Other essential expenditure: bank statement or agreement
- Statutory debts: court order papers
- Statutory order: court order papers
Disability related expenses
If you have extra expenses because of a disability or illness, like higher heating bills or transport costs, you’ll need to provide evidence of how much you pay.
You only need to provide this information if you’re going to receive care in your own home.
- Heating and electricity: gas or electricity bills for the last year
- Community alarm system: bank statement or letter
- Medical costs not covered by the NHS: 8 weeks of receipts
- Garden maintenance: 4 weeks of receipts
- Wheelchair, hoist, stair lift or power reclining chair or bed: invoice or receipt
- Food or drink costs: 4 weeks of receipts
- Toiletry or cleaning costs: 4 weeks of receipts
- Clothing or shoes: 6 months of receipts
- Services on your care plan that you pay for, like physiotherapy or podiatry: 8 weeks of receipts
- Laundry care, including specialist washing powder: proof of purchase like receipts
Evidence you’ll need if you complete and sign the form for someone else
Someone else can complete the form and sign it on your behalf if they have power of attorney.
To prove they have legal authority, they will need to provide a copy of one of the following documents.
- Enduring power of attorney
- Lasting power of attorney
- Deputyship or receivership
- Power of attorney application