London Festival of Architecture comes to Sutton!

10 May 2024

As I approach the last couple of weeks as Leader of Sutton Council, it's a time for reflection but also to think about the future. Sutton has changed a lot in the last twelve years and it's important we ensure our borough embraces those changes but also keeps its very special character. The exciting regeneration work currently taking place shows it is possible to keep what's best of the past but also move with the times and think to the future.

I was really pleased to see that Sutton has been chosen as a host for the forthcoming London Festival of Architecture (LFA). This is thanks to a series of successful regeneration projects led by the Council, in partnership with local businesses and partners including the Sound Lounge, Oru, the Really Local Group and Sutton College

The festival is not just about buildings; it's about breathing new life into our neighbourhoods and making them places where everyone thrives. It will be an opportunity for our growing communities to come together and celebrate what's best about our borough.

From June 17th to 23rd, there will be activities and events which will showcase how our borough’s local businesses and residents have come together to make Sutton a wonderful place to live, work, and explore. 

This year's theme is all about 'Reimagine,' and it fits perfectly with what we're doing here in Sutton. We are responding to changes in how our high streets are being used, ensuring that Sutton has an exciting and thriving town centre as well as providing much needed housing for our residents.

I’m proud that Sutton has been recognised as a 'LFA Neighbourhood,' which shows that we are truly on the map when it comes to exciting urban development. 
But we're not stopping here. We've got big plans for the future, and we're excited to keep working with our partners to make Sutton an even better place to live, work, and visit. I’m really looking forward to going along to some of these events and I hope that you take the opportunity to do so too.

For more information about Sutton regeneration, visit the Council’s town centre regeneration website

To find out more and book into the events and activities for the festival, visit the London Festival Architecture website.