You’ll need to submit a Full Plans application for more complex domestic building work, alterations and for any commercial premises. 

If you want formal approval before the work begins, you must submit a Full Plans application.

You’ll need to submit:

  • a set of drawings
  • details of requirements for fire or means of escape 

You will also need to submit calculations if there is some structural work that would require support. This could be when a load bearing wall is being removed, a new window needs to be inserted or a chimney breast removed.

How to make your Full Plans application

Using one of the online forms is the quickest way for us to process your application. 

You can submit and pay for a Full Plans application online:

Complete the online form on the Plannng portal

Alternatively you can send in your building control application via submitaplan. 

Both websites are building control portals. They enable anyone with access to the internet to submit an application online to local authorities.

Other ways to submit your application

You can:

How much it costs

You can find the costs of applications on our building control fees page.

You can pay online or over the phone by calling 020 8770 5000. 

After you’ve submitted your application

Once you’ve submitted your full plans application we will acknowledge it by sending you an email. We will inform you if it is incomplete.

Making a decision

We will approve applications wherever possible or give a conditional approval. We will only reject the application if it is in breach of the Building Regulations.