Sutton Out of School Club offers an after-school club for children aged 4-11 who attend Robin Hood Infants and Robin Hood Juniors.

Robin Hood Infants' School and Robin Hood Junior School

Sutton After School Club is registered with Ofsted and is based within Robin Hood Junior’s School, Sutton. The Ofsted registration number is EY562394.

Time: 3.05pm to 6.00pm  

Location: Robin Hood Junior School

Leads: Katie Ambridge - 07808 516839 and Georgia Hill - 07736 338937

If your child attends the Infants' school, they'll get collected at 3.05pm. They will then walk from the collection point to Robin Hood Junior School.  

Collection time from the setting is 6.00pm prompt.



Our booking period runs for a full academic year from September to August and includes term time and school holidays. (Please be aware that we do not run a holiday club at Robin Hood Juniors, the Holiday Club runs from the Grange in Beddington Park.)

To book sessions at the After School Club please register your details on our online booking system called IPAL. More information can be found under the heading Book an after-school or holiday club.

If your child needs any medication you’ll need to complete a separate disclaimer for the administration of medication. You can get this from the centre.

If you experience any difficulties completing this or registering please call our booking office on 020 8770 4300 or email

What We Offer

Sutton Play Service follows the playwork principles, so the children are free to choose activities and resources as they wish. There will always be a selection of activities and resources available, including dressing up, a home corner, craft activities, board games, construction, computer games, physical play, messy play and reading. In addition, other resources are available for the children to select from our equipment library. We have access to the school playground daily ensuring children have the opportunity to pursue physical activity. In adverse weather conditions the school hall is available to us to access.

After school snack

The snack we provide at Sutton Out of School Club is not intended as a substitute for a main evening meal. We provide healthy snacks (please see our snack menu below), which includes fresh fruit and vegetables. We promote independence, by encouraging the children to choose their own snacks, pour drinks and to clear away after themselves. We use fresh ingredients and follow statutory guidelines. Fresh drinking water is available at all times. We meet individual dietary requirements and parental preferences wherever possible. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting. All staff preparing and serving snacks have the relevant food hygiene qualification.

View our menu on the website.



After school and holiday childcare