Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
A Club Premises Certificate is a permanent licence. It's granted for premises occupied by and habitually used for the purposes of a club.
It can authorise:
A Club Premises Certificate is available only to members' clubs.
These qualifying clubs tend to be run in a more restricted way than other licensed premises, as they usually have membership systems, club rules and a constitution. This means they can enjoy certain benefits under the Licensing Act, including the lack of requirement to nominate a Designated Premises Supervisor, and exemption from police powers to instantly close a premises.
However, this type of licence only allows authorised activities to be carried on for the benefit of club members and their guests.
To qualify for a Club Premises Certificate, applicants must meet a number of requirements.
A qualifying club is one where the club and its assets are for the mutual benefit of its members.
To be a qualifying club, the club must:
You can apply online on GOV.UK. If you apply online, we will serve copies of your application on the responsible authorities for you.
You can download the application forms for:
Complete the form and post it to:
Licensing Team
London Borough of Sutton
4 Denmark Road
You will need to send a copy of your application to the responsible authorities.
Application fees for premises licences applications and club premises certificates depend on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises, which is also used to calculate business rates. This value can be found through Valuation Office Agency (VOA).
Premises that do not have a rateable value such as schools, church halls, open spaces and residential properties will automatically fall into the lowest fee band.
Details of the fees payable in respect of alcohol and entertainment licences are available on our fees page.
You can pay online or over the phone by calling 020 8770 5000.
Club premises certificates are subject to an annual fee which is due on the anniversary date of the grant of the licence. This annual fee ensures that the licence remains active.
If the annual fee is not paid within 21 days of the due date, the club premises certificate will be suspended. No licensable activities may take place until the debt is paid and the suspension is lifted.
From the day after an application for a new certificate or application for variation is made, there is a 28-day consultation period. This enables either any of the responsible authorities or any other persons to make representations in respect of the application.
These can either support or oppose the application.
After 28 days, if no objections have been made, the licence can be granted.
If an objection has been made, the application will usually be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub Committee to be determined.
You can view current applications.
The protection of local residents is given a central place in the Licensing Act. When an application is made for a new licence, or a variation or review of an existing licence, other parties are free to make relevant and reasonable representations.
Only representations that are about the likely effect of the grant or variation of the club premises certificate on the promotion of the licensing objectives will be considered. Representations should focus upon matters that the owners of the premises may be able to have some effect upon, such things as where customers park their cars is beyond the control of the premises owner. Representations considered to be vexatious, frivolous or repetitious will not be considered. Your representation must be in writing (email correspondence is accepted) and must include your full postal address. The Licensing Act requires that we pass your representation in full to the applicant.
The Licensing Act 2003 outlines four objectives which underpin the regime and must be considered when determining an application:
Sometimes the applicant will contact you to see if they can satisfy your concerns by amending their application. If they are unable to resolve your concerns and if the licensing authority considers that the representations are relevant it must hold a hearing to consider those representations - unless all parties can come to an agreement beforehand, and agree that a hearing is unnecessary. The licensing authority will write to you to inform you of the date and time of the hearing and will explain the format of the hearing.
A Club Premises Certificate alone does not authorise sales of alcohol by retail or the provision of regulated entertainment to the general public, and in most circumstances, this will prevent the hire of a club premises to non-members for private functions that involve the carrying on of licensable activities.
Club premises certificates provide that alcohol can only be supplied to:
Whilst you can hire function space to non members, they cannot benefit from the activities authorised by the club premises certificate (the supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment etc).
There are two ways in which your premises can be used by non-members for functions for licensable activities including the sale of alcohol to non-members.
You may choose to apply for a premises licence, or may consider private hire by way of Temporary Event Notice.
Club premises certificates have an unlimited duration, unless they are for short events and the holder has specified an expiry date. For all other licences, an annual fee is payable on the anniversary of the grant of the licence.
A reminder is sent to the licence holder shortly before payment is due. A club premises certificate will only cease to have effect if it is surrendered by the licence holder, revoked by the Licensing Authority, or if the holder dies, becomes insolvent, or becomes mentally incapable.
The licensing authority and other responsible authorities will use their powers to ensure that licensed premises operate lawfully. However, if there are problems that cannot be resolved through mediation or enforcement, a request may be made to review a certificate. Reviews can be initiated by local residents or businesses, or any of the responsible authorities.
When any representations have been considered, action can be taken to amend a licence (for example, by imposing further conditions or changing the authorised times), or to suspend or revoke it.
All active applications can be found on our current applications page.
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