Cracking down on single-use plastics, cleaning up our streets

19 Sep 2024

Sutton Council has adopted new measures to crack down on litter and pollution caused by single-use plastics in the borough. The new policy is targeted at the borough’s businesses, and sets out how the Council will provide advice, education and enforcement to reduce single-use plastics use in our borough. 

Plastic pollution takes decades to break down and causes serious damage to seas, rivers and land. Its production and disposal are also major sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Government legislation against single-use plastics has increased over the years and has become a part of everyday life, such as charging for single-use carrier bags in shops. Many retail businesses now provide alternatives to carrier bags.

In Sutton, the Council will support the borough’s businesses move towards more sustainable products and services by providing education, awareness and warnings before taking any enforcement action, including fines where appropriate which must be passed on to central government. 

Under measures agreed by councillors at the Housing, Economy & Business Committee on 17 September 2024, when non-compliant products are found, Sutton businesses will be encouraged to remove them from sale and to consider purchasing more sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials before any enforcement action is taken.

A consultation of local businesses on the proposed changes took place in March 2024 and guidance has been issued to food business operators, who are the most affected by the legislation and new policy. Evidence shows that Sutton businesses are already buying alternative materials when purchasing take-away cutlery and containers.

The ‘Single Use Plastics: Education, Awareness and Enforcement Policy’ will be published on the council website.

Councillor Jake Short, Chair of the Housing, Economy & Business Committee, said:
“We all want to help protect our local environment and reduce the impact of climate change. Sutton businesses are already playing their part and can now do even more.

“Plastic waste in our rivers and seas is an eyesore and harms animals and wildlife. Reducing the supply of single-use plastics in Sutton will also help clean up our borough and stop people dropping single-use plastic items in the street. 

”This new policy provides clear advice and guidelines to Sutton businesses on how the Council will educate and enforce the government’s legislation. By adopting this policy, the Council is helping do our bit, implementing new guidance from central government, who will take all fines levied under this new policy. Fines are very much the last resort, which is why we have adopted this new Advice, Education and Enforcement Policy. 

“By working together we can all make a difference to reduce single-use plastics, keep our streets clean and tackle climate change.”