Sutton Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
We support the planning and delivery of public events in the Borough. We encourage the success and well-being of the public at public events and aim to help minimise any inconvenience to residents, businesses and the general public
We aim to ensure that all events organised in the borough take place safely, are well organised and engage all relevant stakeholders in the planning process.
The SAG is a multi-agency forum which consists of members from numerous council teams and provides specialist independent advice to event organisers to:
- promote high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice and guidance
- promote good practice in safety and welfare planning for events
- ensure events have a minimal adverse impact on the community
The SAG functions in an advisory capacity, and the event organiser retains all legal accountability. Members of the SAG include:
- Sutton Council Emergency Planning Service (event safety)
- Sutton and Kingston Council Environment Services
- environmental health and licensing
- ensuring compliance with food safety
- health and safety
- noise management
Sutton Council Building Control provides advice on:
- temporary stands
- staging
- demountable structures
- Sutton and Kingston Council Highways and Transport
- impacts on traffic and transport
- road closures
Sutton Council Parking Services, for parking suspensions and dispensations
Metropolitan Police for advice on:
- safety issues
- public safety
- crowd management
London Fire Brigade advice on technical safety for:
- risk-specific activity
- public safety
London Ambulance Service for advice on:
- safety issues
- access and egress considerations
- deployment of resources
A SAG meeting is coordinated by the Emergency Planning Service if:
- any member of the SAG requests a meeting to be convened
- multiple agencies or services have concerns about the operation of the event
The event organiser needs to attend the SAG meeting to:
- discuss any concerns from agencies or services and
- to receive guidance from the SAG members to better prepare for the event
The event organiser will receive support to safely improve the event's running.