Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Council tenants and leaseholders have a right to live in their homes free from anti-social behaviour.
If you're a Council tenant or leaseholder suffering any anti-social behaviour, you can contact us by calling 0208 915 2000.
We will take details of your complaint and pass it to the relevant Neighbourhood Manager.
We deal with all calls sensitively and in strict confidence.
We work closely with:
Anti-social behaviour covers any kind of:
Section 153 of the Housing Act 1996 describes this as conduct which:
A further definition of anti-social behaviour is provided by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. It's described as behaviour likely to cause:
Anti-social behaviour can adversely affect the lives of people. It can be one of the following (but not limited to):
Our tenancy agreement states that "you and anyone living with you or visiting your home must not commit any acts of harassment towards anyone for any reasons, including but not limited to reasons of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation or religion".
Leaseholders, as a condition of the lease, should "not use the premises or allow it to be used for illegal, immoral, improper, unpleasant, noisy or noxious purpose".
You may lose your lease or be face court action if either of these are breached or broken by:
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