Apply for a new pavement licence

Permanent Market Pitches - Rosehill and Woodmansterne Lane

The 2 other streets in Sutton designated for permanent trading are Woodmansterne Lane and The Market, Wrythe Lane, Rosehill.


Each pitch is numbered and measures approx 3m x 2.5m (10 feet x 8 feet). Pitches are available singly or in multiples. Most pitches have access to an electrical supply for lighting/scales.

Traders must provide their own stall which must not extend over the pitch boundary.

The sale of hot food and/or hot beverages is not permitted at Rosehill.


All traders must provide proof of Public Liability Insurance cover for a minimum of £2m.

How to apply

Download and complete the temporary market stall application form.

Email your completed form and supporting documents to or post it to:

Licensing Team
London Borough of Sutton
Civic Offices
St Nicholas Way

You should keep a copy of the completed form for your own records. 

There is a fee for a temporary street trading licence. You can pay online or over the phone by calling 020 8770 5000. 

What happens next

Your application will be assessed according to:

  • the goods you wish to sell
  • the days you wish to trade
  • whether you can readily be accommodated in the market

If you have not traded at Rosehill market previously, it is a good idea to visit to see what goods existing traders sell. All new applications are subject to a 28 day consultation period. If there are no objections to your application, your licence will be issued at the end of this period. You may not trade until such time as a licence has been issued.

Licences are issued for 12 months and run from 1 April to 31 March.


Applications to renew a licence must be made a month before the expiry date of the current licence.


All traders must comply with the standard conditions.

Shop front licences (away from Sutton Town Centre)

Shop front licences allow businesses to display goods for sale outside of their premises.

Shop front licences are issued for a period of 6 months. Summer licences run from 1 April to 30 September and winter licences from 1 October to 31 March.

How to apply

Download and complete the shop front licences application form.

Email your completed form and supporting documents to or post it to:

Licensing Team
London Borough of Sutton
Civic Offices
St Nicholas Way

You should keep a copy of the completed form for your own records. 

There is a fee for shop front licence applications. You can pay online or over the phone by calling 020 8770 5000. 

What happens next

All new applications are subject to a 28 day consultation period. If there are no objections to your application, your licence will be issued at the end of this period. You may not place your goods or furniture on the highway until such time as a licence is issued.


Your licence will be subject to the standard shop front conditions.

Temporary and single day trading and speciality markets

Temporary Street Trading Licences allow traders to operate for a maximum of 6 months. There are different types of temporary licence, including:

  • casual traders in Sutton High Street (away from the designated market)
  • mobile food traders
  • sale of cars from the public highway
  • shop front trading
  • buskers selling goods

How to apply

Download and complete application forms for:

Email your completed form and supporting documents to or post it to:

Licensing Team
London Borough of Sutton
Civic Offices
St Nicholas Way

You should keep a copy of the completed form for your own records. 

There is a fee for Temporary Street Trading Licences. You can pay online or over the phone by calling 020 8770 5000. 

Applications must be made a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed first day of trading.

Where a trader and/or proposed trading location is new, partner agencies such as the Police and Fire Brigade as well as other Council departments such as Highways may be consulted.


There are differing conditions for food traders, buskers and other types of trading. You can view the standard conditions.