Controlled crossings are covered by regulations. New traffic lights require a Traffic Management Order to be legally enforceable by the Police.
Types of controlled crossings
Pelican crossing
This is a type of pedestrian crossing. It features:
- a standard set of traffic lights
- a push button and
- two coloured lamps for pedestrians using the crossing
The official name is PELICON crossing (short for PEdestrian LIght CONtrolled crossing)
Toucan crossing
This is a type of signal controlled pedestrian crossing. It's found in the UK and allows bicycles to across. Since both pedestrians and cyclists, cross together, the name toucan was chosen.
Puffin crossing
The Pedestrian User Friendly Intelligent Crossing differs from a pelican crossing. The lights
- detect the presence of pedestrians waiting at the crossing and
- detects their movement as they are crossing the road
If the pedestrian decides to cross after pushing the button but before the 'green man' appears, the sensor detects this movement. It can then cancel the requested 'demand' if there is no one else.
Zebra crossing
This is a type of pedestrian crossing used in many places around the world. Its
Pegasus crossing
This is a type of signalised pedestrian crossing with special consideration for horse riders.
- one at the normal height for pedestrians or dismounted riders, and
- another one two metres above the ground for the use of mounted riders
Ped-X crossing (pedestrian countdown at traffic lights)
A Pedestrian Countdown facility at a signalled crossing is the latest addition to a controlled crossing. It counts down how long you have to cross the road:
- after the ‘green man’ light has gone out and
- before the red man light goes on
Pedestrian Countdown will replace the blackout with an electronic countdown signal. This shows exactly how many seconds remain to safely cross the road before the ‘red man’ light comes on. Some say this is an improved version of a Pelican Crossing.