Maintenance to online forms
Our online forms will be undergoing maintenance, with some unavailable for up to 8 hours from 12am (midnight) until 8am on Tuesday, 1 April. We appreciate your patience.
The self assessment form can be found here to download. It is important to read the instructions below before completing the self assessment form. This form is used to determine what your social care needs are to promote your well being, and whether you are eligible for statutory social care support. The National Eligibility Criteria can be found at the end of this form. If you are a carer, there is also a carer's assessment form which can be downloaded.
What happens if I am eligible for support?
If you are eligible for support a social care worker will develop a support plan with you detailing how your eligible needs will be met. Additionally, you will be asked to provide information on your financial position because you may have to contribute towards your social care. We will calculate what you need to pay (if anything) for your support and will let you know how much money (if any) Sutton Council will contribute towards meeting your assessed eligible needs – this is called your ‘personal budget’. This assessment covers all presenting needs but the Council will only ever contribute towards supporting you with unmet eligible needs
What happens if I am not eligible for support?
Not everyone who completes a form will be eligible for support. If this is the case we can provide you with details of several voluntary organisations who can provide information and advice on local organisations that are available to provide support.
Sharing of Personal Information
To ensure that we can provide a joined up service we sometimes need to share your information with other organisations such as the NHS or providers of care and support. To allow us to do this we need you to consent to share information. If you wish to have more information regarding this, please request this from your social care worker.
What do I have to complete?
We ask that you complete as much of the Self Assessment sections as possible. The remaining sections will be completed by a social worker or an assessment officer.
Does the form have to be completed by me?
If you do not want to complete it, or cannot, then you can ask someone else to complete the form on your behalf. Wherever possible the answers given on the questionnaire should be from your point of view, not the view of the person who is completing on your behalf . If someone else is completing the form on your behalf then they should also complete the questions on pages 5 and 11.
What happens if I get stuck?
Please ring 020 8770 6080: there will be someone there to answer your queries between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. Once all the questions have been answered, please send the completed form back to: London Borough of Sutton, Referral Point, Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way Sutton, SM1 1EA. email:
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