Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
To find out which property has a licence or a temporary exemption from licensing view our HMO licensing register. This is updated on a quarterly basis.
The full Public Register is available to view at the Council Offices. There is a fee of £25 for you to receive a PDF copy of the register. Please telephone the council on 020 8770 5000 to arrange payment or pay online and on receipt of payment a copy of the register will be sent to you.
If you believe your property may require a licence, or if you are concerned about disrepair, poor management, or overcrowding in a house in multiple occupation, please contact the Residential Enforcement Team for advice on 020 8770 5000 or email us at
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