White Ribbon Day 2023 - Ending gender-based violence

24 Nov 2023

25 November is White Ribbon Day. This date is part of a global movement to end male violence against women and girls that Sutton is taking part in again this year.

The White Ribbon Campaign aims to change the narrative around violence against women and girls being only a women’s issue. Instead, men living and working in Sutton are invited to be part of the solution to combat violence against women and girls by taking the White Ribbon Pledge: “I promise to Never Use, Excuse or Remain Silent about Men’s Violence Against Women and Girls.”

Starting on White Ribbon Day, Sutton will be hosting a series of events -  ‘Sixteen Days of Action’ - to raise awareness of male violence against women and girls. The aim is to hold events and support sessions to call out abusive and sexist behaviour both in the workplace and the community. 

Spencer Palmer, Director of Environment, Housing & Neighbourhoods and one of Sutton Council’s White Ribbon Ambassadors, said:
“Our mission to change the story around violence against women and girls is something that is at the forefront of the Council's work throughout the year. 

“We need to change unacceptable attitudes and behaviours to make Sutton a better place for women and girls now and for the future. This can only be done if men and boys living and working in Sutton join us in being part of the solution.

“Over the coming days I would encourage you to join one of our events and help support our work across the borough in making Sutton a safe place for all women and girls.”