Replacement wheelie bins, boxes, bags and caddies

Some households have their waste and recycling collected in plastic sacks instead of wheelie bins.  This is usually because their properties are not suitable for wheelie bins.

This includes:

  • flats above shops

  • properties without a front garden or driveway

  • properties that have multiple steps to the kerb

Houses with no frontage

These properties are provided with rolls of sacks that are delivered every 12 months.

Last delivery:  week commencing 11th March 2024

Next delivery: March 2025

Flats above Shops

These properties are provided with polypacks containing red stripe and blue stripe sacks and these are delivered every 3 months.

Last delivery:  week commencing 18th March 2024

Next delivery: week commencing 10th June 2024


Additional Recycling Sacks

You can request extra recycling sacks by contacting us by telephone on 020 8770 5000 or by email at