Conditions for the placing of builder's skips on the public highway.
Cones and lights
- Each skip shall be guarded by at least three traffic cones placed on the carriageway in an oblique line on the approach side of the skip.
- At night (that is to say between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise) an illuminated lamp shall be placed at each corner of the skip and in between each pair of cones. Each lamp shall be maintained illuminated throughout the night and at all times when visibility is seriously reduced, for instance by fog. Lamps shall comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations general directions. The onus remains with the Owner to ensure that the lights and cones are present at all times throughout this period.
- The Council will recharge any costs incurred if the Owner fails to comply with the above requirements.
Size and colouring
- Each skip shall not exceed five metres in length by two metres in width.
- The exterior of each skip shall be clean, prominently coloured and clearly and indelibly marked with the Owner's name and address and telephone number.
- Both ends of the skip shall be painted yellow. Strips of material, the composition of which complies with the Motor Vehicle (Rear Markings) Regulations 1970 in having broad red fluorescent and yellow reflecting diagonal stripes, shall be attached vertically to both ends of the skip as near to the outer edges of the skip as possible so as to face traffic approaching from each direction. The stripes of material shall be kept clean and uncovered at all times.
The skip shall be placed in such position as to:
- Not impede free and convenient passage of pedestrians and perambulators on the public footway or edge of the carriageway where no footway exists.
- Not impede the free flow of surface water off the street.
- Not obstruct access to any manhole or apparatus of the council or any other Statutory Undertaker;
- Not obstruct access to any premises other than those of the person whose order the skip has been placed;
- Not be within 15 metres of any junction, bend or other road hazard;
- Comply with any specific directions issued by the Highway Manager, his representative or a uniformed officer of the Metropolitan Police either initially or at any time during the period of consent.
The Owner of the skip shall be responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all the materials placed in the skip and for the removal of the skip and contents from the highway as soon as practicable after it is filled or before the expiry of the period for which permission is granted, whichever is sooner.
The Owner of the skip shall indemnify the Council against all claims whatever or howsoever arising from the grant of permission, including damage to the highway caused by the skip or the skip carrying vehicle.
Enforced removal
The permission of any of these conditions shall not be deemed to effect or lessen or in any way interfere with the powers of the Council or Police to require the removal of the skip from the Highway.
The skip shall not be used for the deposit of any inflammable or explosive, perishable, noxious, or other offensive materials and during use, dry contents shall be kept damped down with water to prevent nuisance from dust and further, during windy weather, satisfactory precautions shall be taken to prevent contents from blowing out of the skip.
While the skip is deposited on the highway and when removed either temporarily or finally, the surface of the highway is to be kept clean and free from spillage
No skip shall remain on the highway pursuant to this permission, after the expiry date shown on the reverse hereof.
The Owner is required to show proof that they have a minimum of £5 million public liability insurance