The Sutton Council Constitution sets out how the Council should run.
The Constitution includes:
- the rules that the Council must follow
- how decisions are made at meetings and committees
- the Code of Conduct
What’s in the Constitution
- Section 1 - Summary and explanation of how the Council operates, including an outline of the rights of citizens or residents of the Borough to engage with and participate in the Council’s democratic processes
- Section 2 - Articles and Schedules which provide details of the Council’s decision-making structure and the duties and powers of its various bodies
- Section 3 - Sets out which committees and senior employees are responsible for specific statutory functions
- Section 4 - Details the framework for the administrative conduct of the Council and its committees
- Section 5 - Comprises a number of codes and protocols by which councillors and employees of the Council are bound, including some guidance on councillors and the law
- Section 6 - Provides details of the current Members’ Allowances Scheme
Internal schemes of management
The council maintains an internal scheme of management which applies to all staff, along with specific schemes which are relevant to individual directorates of the council.