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The South London Waste Plan 2022 to 2037 was adopted on 21st November 2022 and now carries full weight in the consideration of planning applications. The new South London Waste Plan fully supersedes the 2012 version.
Sustainability Statement - to follow
The Councils received the Inspectors’ Report, following the Examination of the draft South London Waste Plan, on 21st November 2022.
The Inspector’s Report concludes that the Draft South London Waste Plan provides an appropriate basis for waste planning across the four boroughs, provided that a number of main modifications are made to it. The main modifications were subject to public consultation over a seven week period in July and September 2022 and the Inspectors have recommended their inclusion in the Plan after considering all the representations made in response to the consultation on them.
Physical copies of the Inspectors’ report and appendix can be viewed at any Sutton library and the Sutton Civic Centre during normal opening hours.
The London Boroughs of Croydon, Kingston, Merton and Sutton have jointly prepared a new Draft South London Waste Plan. The South London Waste Plan sets out the partner boroughs’ long-term vision, spatial strategy and planning policies for the sustainable management of waste over the next 15 year period.
The London Borough of Sutton, along with Croydon, Kingston and Merton, submitted the Draft South London Waste Plan 2020 to the Secretary of State for examination on 19 January 2021, in accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The hearing sessions took place at Merton Civic Centre on 1 September and 2 September 2021.
Keep up to date with the latest examination news. This will be regularly updated and direct you to any new documents or correspondence. You can find the Examination Documents referred to on our website
14 July 2022: The Councils are consulting on changes known as main modifications to the draft South London Waste Plan and supporting documents. The consultation documents can be viewed on the Main Modifications page. The Inspectors have published a guidance note INSP08 which is available under ‘Examination Documents’.
08 September 2021 - The Inspectors have issued a Post-hearings Letter. This document can be viewed under 'Examination Documents' as INSP07.
07 September 2021 - The inspectors have issued a note of their closing remarks from the hearings. This document can be viewed under 'Examination Documents' as INSP06.
31 August 2021 - The Hearing sessions will be livestreamed and can be viewed remotely via the Merton Youtube Page.
27 August 2021 - The Mayor of London has issued an updated Opinion of Conformity with 2021 London Plan. This can be viewed under 'Examination Documents' as OTH03.
23 August 2021 - The SLWP Boroughs and the Wimbledon Park Residents Association have signed a Statement of Common Ground. This can be viewed under 'Examination Documents' as SLWP17
20 August 2021 - THE SLWP Boroughs have published the Waste AMR. This can be viewed under 'Examination Dcouments' as SLWP16.
16 August 2021 - The SLWP Boroughs and the Mayor of London have agreed a Statement of Common Ground. This can be viewed under ‘Examination Documents’ as SLWP15.
06 August 2021 - The SLWP Boroughs and one other participant have responded to INSP05, the inspectors note on the revised NPPF. These documents can be viewed under ‘Examination Documents’ as SLWP14 and OTH02 respectively.
06 August 2021 – The inspectors have issued a revised Provisional Hearing Programme. This document can be viewed under ‘Examination Documents’ as INSP04a.
22 July 2021 - The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government published a revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) on 20 July 2021. The inspectors have issued a Note in relation to this. This document can be viewed under ‘Examination Documents’ as INSP05.
21 July 2021 - Hearing statements from the SLWP Boroughs and other participants have now been published. These are available via "Hearing Statements" tab at the top of this page. In addition, new Examination Documents have also been published and are available via the 'Examination Documents' tab at the top of this page.
26 April 2021 - The GLA have now provided an updated Opinion of Conformity, as requested by the inspectors in their Preliminary Matters. This document can be viewed in the examination library as OTH 01.
26 March 2021 – The inspectors have issued their Guidance Note (INSP03), the Matters, Issues and Questions (INSP02), and the Provisional Hearing Programme (INSP04).
08 March 2021 – The SLWP Boroughs has published its response to the Preliminary Matters (SLWP01), along with a Schedule of Main Modifications (SLWP02a) and Additional modifications (SLWP3a)
18 February 2021 – The inspectors have issued their Preliminary Matters for the Boroughs. This document can be viewed in the examination library as INSP01.
The Secretary of State has appointed Steve Normington BSc DipTP MRICS MRTPI FIQ FIHE and G J Fort BA PGDip LLM MCD MRTPI to conduct the independent examination into whether the Draft South London Waste Plan is sound and complies with all the legal requirements. The criteria for soundness are whether the Plan’s policies are positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.
Carmel Edwards has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination and will deal with all procedural and administrative matters. She is independent from the councils and reports directly to the Inspector. Ms Edwards is responsible for the day to day organisation of the examination and will act as a channel of communication between the Inspector and all parties, including the council officers and representors.
All correspondence or queries relating to the examination should be directed to the Programme Officer. Contact details:
Carmel Edwards
Telephone: 07969 631 930
The Inspectors conducted a series of public hearings as part of the examination process from 1 to 2 September 2021.
The hearing sessions can be viewed on the Merton YouTube page.
The Council will publish Examination Documents throughout the course of the examination-in-public. The ‘Examination News’ section will provide updates when new Examination Document are published.
The Full Examination is available in the Examination Library Index, including National, Regional and other Local documents, but the main ones are set out below:
S1: Draft South London Waste Plan
S2: Sustainability Appraisal on South London Waste Plan
E1: Representations on the Draft South London Waste Plan
E1a: Late Representation (Rep 48) from Elliot Colburn MP (Carshalton and Wallington)
E1b: Late Representation from the Wimbledon Park Residents Association
E2: Appendices to the Representations on the Draft South London Waste Plan
E3: Regulation 19 Statement of Consultation
E4: Letter of Conformity from The Mayor of London
E5: Statement of Cooperation Part 1
E6: Statement of Cooperation Part 2
E10: South London Waste Plan Technical Paper
E11: South London Waste Plan Technical Paper Appendices
E12: PAS Legal Compliance Checklist
P1: South London Waste Plan Issues and Preferred Options Document
P2: Sustainability Appraisal on the South London Waste Plan Issues and Preferred Options Document
P4: Regulation 18 (Issues and Preferred Options) Representations Schedule
P5: Regulation 18 (Issues and Preferred Options) Statement of Consultation
P6: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
P7: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Representations
If you wish to find out in more detail how the examination will be carried out, the Planning Inspectorate has produced a useful guide: Examining Local Plans Procedural Practice.
Privacy Notice
Any responses received to the consultations will be held electronically for the purposes of meeting the council’s duties arising from reporting consultations. Consultation responses will be made public but your personal data will not be made public. Consultation responses will be kept for two years.
Consultation responses and your personal data will be passed to the Planning Inspectorate and a Programme Officer who will work for the Planning Inspector who will examine the plan. The Programme Officer may contact you using the personal information you have provided.
If you wish to have your details removed from the planning policy consultation list at any time please contact By remaining on the consultation list you consent to the council holding your name, contact details and, where relevant, organisation name in order to be contacted solely for future consultations on planning policy and related matters. Your details are held electronically and will not be passed on to any third parties for marketing purposes. View the council’s privacy policy. The Planning Inspectorates Privacy Notice is also available online through GOV.UK.
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