Moving from children's to adult social care

Find out how we support young people under our care to prepare for adulthood.

Who we support

Services for young people are provided by children's social care until the age of 18.

Between the ages of 14 and 17 we’ll begin making plans for you to be supported by adult social care once you’re 18. We call this preparing for adulthood. 

How we help

We'll help you prepare for adulthood so that you can be as independent as possible and achieve what is important to you. Things you might be thinking about and planning for could include:

  • getting a job or taking courses that could help you get that job
  • staying healthy and happy in your adult life
  • managing your friendships and having a social life

The level of support needed is different for everyone, so we’ll look at what services could help you, like:

  • health and social care
  • mental health
  • education
  • financial benefits
  • work
  • housing

Ask for a care needs assessment

When a young person is 17 and has a children’s social worker, they can ask for a care needs assessment as part of their transition between children's and adult social care. 

Parents and carers can also request a care needs assessment, if there will be:

  • ongoing care and support needs after the young person turns 18
  • changes to the carer’s situation after the young person turns 18

Request a care needs assessment or find out more about the process

What the assessment covers

An assessment is usually completed jointly by children's and adult services and will take into account any other plans that are in place.

The assessment will focus on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability. 

The assessment will provide information on:

  • the young person's needs and what can be done to support them
  • how to stay well and live independently
  • budgeting and benefits the young person might be entitled to

The assessment will help us to work out what support you need.

If you qualify for social care and support, we’ll agree a care and support plan with you. This will be tailored to your needs.

You may have to pay for some or all of your care. 

If you’re not entitled to paid care

After the assessment, if we find you do not qualify for support from adult social care, we'll still offer advice and information about other organisations and support that can help you.