Maintenance to online services
Online forms related to waste services will be undergoing maintenance and may be intermittently unavailable from 9pm on Friday until 7am on Monday. We appreciate your patience.
For a full list of nursery providers in Sutton, you can:
Nurseries are available at the following schools:
Federation of Thomas Wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infants' School
Bandon Hill Primary Meadow Field
Cheam Park Farm Primary (Infant)
All Saints' Benhilton C of E Primary
All Saints' Carshalton C of E Primary
St Dunstan's Cheam C of E Primary
The Federation of St Elphege's Catholic Infants'
St Mary's Catholic Nursery and Infants'
In addition to the nursery provision listed, there are large numbers of other types of nursery providers. To find out more about what is available and the available funding, please contact Sutton Family Information Service
Please note that applications must be made directly to each nursery.
All of Sutton's nursery schools offer the universal 15 hours free entitlement funding for 3 and 4 year olds. From September 2017, some nursery schools will also offer the extended free entitlement funding providing eligible families with up to 30 hours per week (during term time).
For more information on the free entitlement funding offers, the eligibility criteria and how to apply please visit Free Childcare Entitlement for 2-4 Year Olds.
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