NOTICE - London Wide Penalty Charge level changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London new Penalty Charge levels are to be introduced in London. 

Penalty Charge levels will increase as set out in the following notice. These levels will apply for any parking, bus lane and moving traffic offences from 7th April 2025.

We issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) for parking, moving traffic and bus lane contraventions. 

To pay the PCN, you’ll need:

  • the PCN number
  • the vehicle registration number
  • a credit or debit card
  • The Notice to Owner PIN number (if applicable)

You can’t pay a PCN until it has been added to our records. This usually happens within 24 hours of the PCN being issued.

Do not pay a PCN if you are planning to appeal.

It is not possible to appeal against a PCN after paying the penalty charge. Paying a PCN is an acceptance of liability and the right of appeal is lost.

Pay online

The easiest way to pay your PCN is online. 

Pay a PCN online

You can also view digital photographs taken at the time the PCN was issued in this system.

Pay over the phone

Automated Telephone (Touchtone) on 03300 884 674.

Pay in person

Please do not send cash in the post.

Cash payments can be made at 50 Grove Road, Sutton, SM1 1BT.

Opening hours are 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday (closed Bank Holidays). Card payment is available at this office.

Discounts and payment by instalments

If you pay within 14 days of the PCN being served, you will receive a discount of 50%.

This extends to 21 days for parking PCNs issued on the basis of a record produced by a mobile CCTV unit or other approved device.

You can’t pay your PCN in instalments due to:

  • the cost of administering the system. Additional officers would need to be recruited to administer the system and at a time when local authorities are facing budget cuts, and looking to make further efficiency savings, the provision of legislative services has to be prioritised over non-legislative services.
  • the legislation under which enforcement is taken clearly states that payment must be made within certain timescales and does not provide the motorist with the opportunity to settle a case over a longer period. If statutory timescales are breached this may prevent the Council from collecting the penalty charge.

If you need assistance managing debt you can find further advice at debt and benefit advice centres.