Orange banner with Purple post it note with text reading, You now need photo ID to vote at a polling station. Text reads, Find our more at No ID? You can apply for free voter ID . The Electoral Commission Logo







You (or your proxy) will now need to provide a photo ID in order to vote in person at a polling station. Voters who do not show an acceptable form of photo ID will not be able to vote.

The UK Parliamentary elections will take place on Thursday, 4 July 2024.  

Which forms of ID can I use to vote?

You may already have a photo ID which is acceptable.  You can use any of the documents below; expired documents are accepted although the photo on any forms of photo ID must be a true likeness.

Accepted photo ID include:

  • Passport
  • Driving licence (including provisional licence)
  • Blue badge
  • Older person's bus pass
  • Disabled person's bus pass
  • Oyster 60+ card
  • Freedom pass
  • Identity card Proof of Age Standards Scheme (with PASS mark)
  • Biometric immigration document
  • Defence identity card
  • National identity card issued by an EEA state
  • Voter Authority Certificate

For more information on which forms of photo ID will be accepted, visit the Electoral Commission's website

For more information about Voter ID, visit the Electoral Commission’s Voter ID webpage

I don’t have a suitable photo ID, what do I do?
If you do not have one of the acceptable forms of photo ID, or you are not sure if the photo ID looks like you, and you want to vote at your polling station, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. 

You can apply online through the GOV.UK Voter Authority Certificate service.

If you are unable to complete the online application, you can request a paper application, please contact us on 020 8770 4179 for more information.

Voter ID - I am an anonymous voter
If you are registered as an anonymous voter, you will need to apply for an Anonymous Elector’s Document.  Please contact us on 020 8770 4179 for more information.
Voter ID - Postal and proxy voting
Postal voters will not be affected by voter ID. If you have applied and have a valid postal vote in place you will be issued postal ballot paper(s) at an election.

Proxy voters (someone that goes in person to vote on your behalf) will need to take and show their own photo ID in order to be issued a ballot paper.

For more information about Voter ID, visit the Electoral Commission’s Voter ID webpage.


We assess and review our polling places and documents for every election to support voters with disabilities.

Sutton’s Returning Officer is required to take all reasonable steps to provide support to people with disabilities at polling stations.

The Returning Officer has a legal obligation to provide:

  • A notice inside and outside the polling station providing instructions on how to vote at the election
  • A notice in each polling booth providing information on how to mark the ballot paper at the election
  • At least one large sample copy of the ballot paper must be displayed inside the polling station
  • An enlarged hand-held copy of the ballot paper

Further equipment to assist and support voters with disabilities will be provided as a minimum to all polling stations.  If you have specific needs or ideas that will improve our support please contact us at (if location and resources allow for reasonable adjustments).

Assistance to disabled voters in the polling station

Anyone over the age of 18 may accompany disabled voters in the polling station or the Presiding Officer can assist if you do not have a companion.

For more information about Voter ID in accessible formats, visit the Electoral Commission website.