Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
In order to implement the Scheme it is necessary for the Council to acquire land and rights in order to construct the various improvements and to maintain them in the future. The Council is negotiating with affected owners and occupiers and will continue to do so. However in order to ensure the scheme can be delivered in a timely manner the Council has submitted a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) including all land and rights needed for the scheme. This is normal practice for this type of scheme where numerous land interests are required and is in line with Government Guidance.
The Order was made by the Acquiring Authority on 21 May 2019 under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980. The Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport to request its confirmation. The Order is required to support the highway improvements along Beddington Lane as part of Beddington North Transport for London Major Scheme. The proposed scheme (Scheme) is described in more detailed in section 12 and covers an area wider than the Order Land. The Acquiring Authority is seeking to acquire land and existing rights over land required for the Scheme which it has not been able to secure by way of private treaty. The area over which land is required for the Scheme is referred to in this Statement as the Order Land. The period for submission of any objections to the Order expired on 21 June 2019. By that date, 5 statutory objections to the Order had been made to the Secretary of State. On 17 July 2019, the Secretary of State gave notice to the Acquiring Authority that a public inquiry will be held.
On 17 July 2019, the Secretary of State gave notice to the Acquiring Authority that a public inquiry will be held at 10.00 am on 19 November 2019 at Croygas Sports Club, 48 Mollison Drive, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9BY. A copy of the public notice is available online, published in the newspaper and displayed near the land concerned.
The Statement of Case is produced by The London Borough of Sutton (Acquiring Authority or the Council) explaining the reasons and justification for making the London Borough of Sutton (Land at Beddington Lane) Compulsory Purchase Order 2019 (Order). A copy of this Statement and core documents are available online. It sets out the reasons why the powers of compulsory purchase contained in the Order are necessary and why there is a compelling case in the public interest for the Order to be confirmed by the Secretary of State. It also addresses the objections which have been made. Copies of the proof of evidence were submitted by the Council to the Inspector on 29th October 2019. The public inquiry opened on 19 November 2019 and closed on the same date, with only the Council appearing to give evidence.
Thes Secretary of State for Transport has confirmed the Compulsory Purchase Order on 26th February 2020. The relevant documents are available below.
The CPO confirmation
The Press Notice was published and served on 12 March 2020 and the challenge period ended on 23 April 2020 under section 23 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.
Public Notice published on 12 March 2020
The Council executed the General Vesting Declaration (GVD) in relation to land required for permanent acquisitions on 30 April 2020. Please refer below for further details.
Please note that if you wish to see a hard copy of the General Vesting Declaration, it can be seen at Sutton Civic Centre Security Office/ Reception, St Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA, 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday (excl Bank holidays).
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