Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
Current and former residents of Elm Grove joined the Council and its preferred development partner Lovell, for a day of fun and celebration. Local residents and stakeholders attended the Fun Day on the estate on Saturday 14 September, where they were able to meet members of the Lovell team, who will be delivering the new homes and improvements on Elm Grove.
On 15 March 2024 the Council submitted its outline planning application for the redevelopment of Elm Grove, including the site 216-220 High Street. On 4 September 2024 the Council’s Planning Committee considered the application and subsequently agreed a Resolution to Grant planning permission to redevelop the sites. This ‘outline’ consent agrees the principle of the development, with the specific design detail to follow under a Reserved Matters Application (RMA). Officers will now work to complete the legal agreement to ensure the development supports the provision of services and infrastructure and is acceptable in planning terms. The detailed design of the scheme will be developed in partnership with Lovell (the Council’s preferred development partner), with stakeholder consultation due to take place over the coming months.
View the outline planning application on the Planning Register.
The initial phase of the development works are due to commence on site by Spring 2025.
On 19 February 2024, the Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee authorised the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), for the Council to compulsorily acquire any private land and property interests it needs to facilitate the regeneration of Elm Grove.
The CPO will only be used as a last resort, where a negotiated agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable timescale to enable the redevelopment to proceed.
Please note, all timelines are subject to planning and are estimated.
Our timeline includes:
Pre-Planning Consultation Period (Spring 2023 - Spring 2024) (Completed)
Launch Development Partner Selection Process (Autumn 2023) (Completed)
Council made a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) (March 2024) (Completed)
Submit Outline Planning Application (Spring 2024) (Completed)
Select Development Partner (Summer 2024) (Completed)
Obtain Outline Planning Consent (Summer 2024) (Completed)
Detailed Planning and Consultation Stage (Summer 2024 - Summer 2025)
Initial ‘Start on Site’ Demolition Works (Summer 2025)
First Elm Grove homes completed (2028)
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